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Underground safehouses

Are you looking for a safe and discrete way to protect your family? At Schutzraum-konzept – we offer effective and affordable shelters for private, public or commercial use

Schutzraum bunker bomb shelter homepage
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Our shelters are constructed of reinforced concrete modules that are prefabricated at our factory. Our shelters offer a high level of protection against: radiation, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, bombs, grenades or riots. Installation of modules on site only takes 1-2 days.

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It is possible to combine different modules and create different sized rooms for different purposes. Power generators, decontamination rooms, drinking water storage tanks, groundwater wells, bathrooms, kitchens, home cinema - everything is possible.

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We use certified European producer for the modules, shelter components and the technology involved to ensure the safehouses longevity and performance. In times of peace when the shelter not in its use then it can be a practical addition to the home.

Standard Packages

  • Standard package - Bunker S1.
  • Starting from 46 905€ + VAT.

Connect With Your House

It is possible to connect safehouse modules with your current house and therefore create secret connected rooms.

Create A Custom Solution

Design your own safehouse with help from us.
Technology used in Bunker C1 by Schutzraum konzept


  • Reinforced concrete
  • At least 1m of compact soil
  • Special door
  • Steel stairs
  • Safelock to ground
  • Ventilation device
  • Electrical box
  • Passage through
  • Emergency exit
  • Groundlock exit
  • Beds for peronel
  • Storage space solutions


“A shelter doesn't have to be uncomfortable. It can be a practical addition to the home in times of peace.”

- Gerald, CEO of Schutzraum Konzept
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